The Autobiography of Paradox is an extended meditation on art, and how to live life as an artist. Grappling with problems of aesthetics “why do I consider this beautiful?” as well as financial stability “how to make a living without catching someone else’s house on fire;” considering topics as cerebral as the hard problem of consciousness and incidents of PSI, and as mundane as how to find housing or manage childcare; with artwork that sometimes seems to have anticipated a future where the internet is the venue, The Autobiography of Paradox invites you to step off the beaten track of accepted art presentation and push into the woods seeking something new.
A few have gone this way before, but mostly we will move forward on trails without blazes. We may follow some half-visible track for a quarter-mile and find that it simply stops and we will have to backtrack. We may amble down a promising path only to discover it leads off into a meadow filled with cat briars and ragweed. But there is also the possibility of stumbling on some previously unseen waterfall or of breaking out of the briars at the crest of one of the peaks of the Blue Ridge onto a vista of the Shenandoah Valley and the Alleghenies beyond.
Come along if you like. Talk to me as we go; let me know what is working and what is a bust. Episodes will be stories and essays and might link to Projects and Portfolio. Projects will be an expanded look at some of the more ambitious ventures I’ve been involved with that images alone cannot communicate. Portfolio are the random droppings: sculptures, paintings, drawings, videos; the spoor rather than the living, breathing animal.